Thursday, September 9, 2010


To be viewed with this music.

"Shhhh!" I thought, trying to silence Stacy with my mind. Paul Pfeiffer's locker was just a few feet away, and I didn't want him to know I blew off seeing The Association with him so I could buy a girl a unicorn necklace. God, I wanted to punch him so bad. I wanted to punch so many people that year. Things were going great with the wrestling team, things were going great with Stacy, but why was I so angry all the time? So. Fucking. Angry. I could feel white-hot electric anger surging through my veiny, compact body. Fuckin...

Like I could forget, she talked about the stupid things all the damn time. It's the same way I remembered Butterball Turkeys whenever I saw her round, round, Stacy face. They're not even real, the unicorns, I know that now. They always made me so mad and then I'd hurt people and it'd be like, why'd you make me do that, stupid?! Man, what a crazy time.

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