Friday, September 3, 2010

Coronation Street

Total wanka she wuz, but I 'ad me revenge, dearie...

I done nicked 'er bloomin' leg I did!

'Oo did WOT?

Blimey, Phillip, the village errand boy! I dinna know wot ta saaay!

Thatsa profstetick leg, plain as th' nose on the Queen's fayce, it is.

Thaf's bloody diskustin, mate. Really, now.

Supposin we give his willy a good once-round, Dorris? Maybe the boy'll keep 'is gob shut then, eh?

Keep it in ye bloomers, Gran. I done got a punny!

Your alibi doesn't have a... LEG... to stand on!

Meanwhile, Daniel was at hospital...

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