Friday, August 13, 2010

Au Revoir Miles, meilleure chance la prochaine fois

Oh, Miles.
I spent the first episode contemplating whether or not I was going to choose Miles as my pony for Work of Art, because I was immediately intrigued by his "ocd", ugly sweaters and sketchy behavior. Miles was a tough love to take on though, and by the end of the second episode, I had switched to team Abdi (and he won, yay). But I couldn't get Miles off my mind!! What was he doing to me? This squirrley little bastard had really got under my skin, like some skin digging creature (as my friend D explained, "he's not really a douche. He's more like, a wienie.") - but was it all an act? Some brilliant, mind bending charade? We got to see his home in Minneapolis and he shared that he's really a recent artist. His youth was usually spent making death traps for animals. Pretty neat right? I was almost hoping his shitty White Castle phone photos would win, just so I could see the sky rip open. Alas, Abdi had God on his side, and no one beats God in a making stuff contest. No one.

I await you sweet prince, in my wienie filled nightmares, or whenever you start killing humans.

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