Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Billy... Last night was incredible.

Your race-car bed was two feet from the wall when I woke up. I feel like a new woman.

You sure don't get it from your father, LOLZ!

Come down when you're ready for breakfast, stud.

Hot damn! Wait'll the guys in Scouts hear about this!

Dad: So, uh, sounds like you guys had a late night. Even sleeping outside in the van, I uh...

So hey, Billy and me are heading up the coast to a nice little B&B for the weekend. One of you homos feed the cat, K?

You smug piece of shit. I should've pushed your mom down the stairs when I had the chance. You're all gonna get it. You're all gonna get it good from Daddy.

Hey dad, here's the bowl of Sweedish Cocks you wanted.

Eat up, champ. I know it's your favorite.

Goddamnit I want you in me. Right on this fucking table.

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